The center was created as a result of the interaction of a group of Russian law and consulting firms with law firms in Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, the UK, USA, Canada ...
The idea of creation is to provide comprehensive support to citizens of different countries interested in deepening ties with foreign nations, finding partners, obtaining a residence permit and citizenship, acquiring business and real estate ...
The main goal is to provide services on a strictly legislative basis, a full-fledged service for a reasonable price, work with any customers, regardless of their degree of solvency, and guarantee an equal quality of service. The difference is a great practical experience.
The priority of our customer relationship is confidentiality. We guarantee the non-distribution and protection of any information about customers, with the exception of cases forcing us to disclose information to the competent authorities in accordance with the laws of Russia and other countries.

Our regular partners: April International Insurance (France), Cattolica Insurance (Italy), Generali Austria Insurance (Austria)...
- Legislation updates,
- Immigration programs updates,
- News on the company page in Facebook,
- Projects.
- How to choose a country?
- How to choose a program?
- FAQ on the company page in Facebook,
- How not to become a tax resident?
- Briefly about the countries,
- Jurisdictions comparison,
- Program comparison,
- Tax laws comparison.
Immigration consultant's notes:
- How to get a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship?
- What should not be expected from immigration?
- How to organize a business?
- How to save assets?
- Officials
- Publications of colleagues
- Video materials.