How to Reduce Taxes for Investors & Crypto Investors_4
It is no secret that for many clients it is unacceptable to live neither in Dubai, nor on the islands of the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.
Moreover, such customers, when mentioning tax-free jurisdictions, rather have associations not with an offshore paradise, but with periodically published black lists of states (Blacklist) pursuing a policy of unfair tax competition, and related sanctions ...
It makes no sense to dispute this point of view, since the Republic of Vanuatu is currently included in the Blacklist of the European Union, and the Cayman Islands are on the FATF list.
If we turn to the Blacklist lists of Italy or Portugal, for example, they include almost all territories that have ever been referred to as offshore: from the Bahamas to the UAE, including Hong Kong, Monaco ...
The goals are clear. The Italian authorities believe that if a taxpayer is an individual and moves to one of the blacklisted countries, then the Italian tax authorities have the right to believe that he does not lose his Italian tax residency, unless he can prove otherwise.
The Italian tax authorities are constantly "chasing taxes", but collecting them with difficulty ...
The Portuguese authorities thus limit the effect of the NHR preferential tax regime, which gives relief to individuals who have become tax residents of Portugal from income tax, dividends, capital gains, royalties, etc., if the income comes from jurisdictions that are not blacklisted.
A completely natural and practically eternal question arises: what to do? Nothing special. If possible, take into account the current blacklists and once again "contact" countries with low tax rates (Malta), non-domiciled status (Ireland) or lump-sum tax (Gibraltar), for example.
Moreover, it is these countries that actively support cryptocurrency directions and DLT technologies.
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